First Congregational Church Of Wyandotte
98 Superior Blvd. at First St. Wyandotte, Michigan 48192
Founded 1892.
Our Church History
A Short Video History of Our Church
This short video was narrated by Debbie Stollings and produced by her nephew Caleb Richardson.
Some Significant Dates in Our History
Take a look at this picture. It is an old postcard that was given to Betty Scanland by a
longtime member, Mildred Harriman, before she passed away. If you can provide any information
or guesses as to when this picture was taken, please let us know. Here are a few clues: 48
star American flag, a banner on the right side with stars on it, and there isn't a pulpit.
Maybe these clues can help you zero in on a date.
- 1892 - First Congregational Church of Wyandotte is organized on June 2, 1892 with 29 charter members.
- 1902 - Construction begins on the church building. Jerome Holland Bishop is a principal benefactor. As the story goes, Mr. Bishop, a prominent Wyandotte citizen, had the church built, as closely as possible, as a replica of a church he and his wife visited in Stratford-on-Avon, England.
- 1903 - The first services were conducted in the new building.
- 1913 - The parsonage is built.
- 1924 - Rev. H. Norman Jackson begins service as Pastor. Rev. Jackson retires on October 31, 1963, after 39 years of service.
- 1927 - Fellowship Hall is constructed and dedicated.
- 1935 - Eleanore Bennink begins service as Music Director and Organist. "EB" retires on June 1, 1988, after 53 years of dedicated service to the church.
- 1936 - Deagan Chimes are donated in memory of Arthur Edwards.
- 1942 - The pulpit is dedicated. "Butch" Burkard is elected Chief Usher. He serves until September 2000 after 58 years of faithful service.
- 1959 - The Garrison and Jamison properties are purchased.
- 1960 - Vote to affiliate with the United Church of Christ in the United States of America.
- 1961 - Melody property purchased. Rev. James Schaefer joins staff as Associate Minister. First issue of our monthly newsletter, the "Koinonia" was published.
- 1963 - Rev. H. Norman Jackson retires. South stained glass window in sanctuary dedicated. Rev. Theodore Tuenge elected as Pastor on Nov. 24, 1963; began serving in December.
- 1964 - Rev. Tuenge resigns Oct. 30, 1964. Rev. Roland Traver begins service as Interim Pastor. Rev. Traver elected Pastor on June 20, 1965.
- 1972 - Rev. Traver resigns, effective June 30. Rev. Donald Nichols elected on May 7; begins service as Pastor on July 1. Rev. Nichols resigns, effective August 31, 1981, after 9 years of service.
- 1973 - Georgia Wilkes hired as church secretary, works until August 31, 1990.
- 1974 - Organ Fund established to purchase Moeller organ.
- 1977 - Installed the hanging wooden cross in the sanctuary.
- 1981 - The sound system was purchased. Rev. William F.A. Simon elected Interim Pastor, Sept. 1, 1981; serves until Jan. 31, 1983.
- 1982 - Rev. Wayne McKenney elected Pastor on Nov. 7; begins serving Feb. 1, 1983.
- 1986 - Garrison House torn down. Church office and pastor's study move to lower level of church.
- 1988 - Endowment Fund established by action of the Annual Meeting. The Cancer Pad Sewing Group disbands after 39 years.
- 1989 - Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon groups start meeting each Wednesday and Saturday. David Ward begins serving as Music Director on Oct. 1; serves until December 1994.
- 1996 - Senior High Youth travel to Pocahontas County, WV to help residents rebuild their homes following flooding of the Greenbrier River.
- 1998 - Vision Statement approved. Andrew Society created. Diaconate adopts Church Membership Covenant.
- 2002 - David Opra serves as Music Director/Organist from April 2002 until september 2006.
- 2006 - Karen Sell serves as Music Director/Organist from October 2006 until December 2016.
- 2009 - Rev. Wayne McKenney, D.Div. retires on January 24, 2009.
- 2009 - Rev. John Landis serves as Interim Pastor from September 2009 until August 2011.
- 2011 - Rev. Elizabeth Pulawski serves as Pastor from September 2011 until June 2012.
- 2013 - On November 24, 2013 Rev. Ruth Blount was installed as Pastor.
- 2014 - Rev. Ruth Blount passed away suddenly on February 26, 2014. She preached her last sermon to the congregation on February 16, 2014. Her last "Notes to the Congregation" were prepared just before she died and can be found here.
- 2016 - On June 26, 2016 Rev. Carrie M. Orlando, M.Div. was installed as Pastor.
- 2017 - David Opra returns as Music Director/Organist in July 2017.
- 2018 - On August 19, 2018 Rev. Carrie M. Orlando, M.Div. leaves our Church for a new calling at First Congregational Church of Royal Oak, Michigan.
Worship & Sunday School
Sundays at 10:30 am.
98 Superior Blvd. at First St.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: (734)285-2568
Online Giving Available Now
You can now make your contributions to the church safely and conveniently by clicking here.
You can see the latest edition of the Koinonia - our monthly newsletter - by clicking here.
Some Additional Useful Links
- United Church of Christ National
- Michigan Conference UCC
- Detroit Metropolitan Association
- Still Speaking Daily Devotional
- Our Facebook Page
Some Additional Church History
You can view some additional church history by clicking here.